I've wondered about this for a while, now, since my own healing journey has been more like a story than an arrival. For me, healing hasn't been about quick and perfect; it's been about slow and purposeful. I guess some people get the Ernest Angly quick fix healings, while others get the slow learner approach. I think my healing has been a 7-year perculation because I had a lot of work to do. And it's hard work climbing a mountain.
It all started when I had an experience of sexual violence as an adolescent. It wasn't until I recognized how that experience was haunting my life, and every aspect of it, that was I able to tackle its impact. During my journey, I worked on this issue and the thirty years of havoc it had on my life. And, I worked on it holistically: emotional, mental, spiritual, and now physical. Because I believe in reincarnation, I also worked on it in my past lives.
Looking back, I can see how all of that might have taken seven years. And oddly enough, everything that happened along the way was important, including everyone in my life. But, I will be completely honest.......it has been the hardest work, albeit a most beautiful ending.
My healing journey was catalyzed through a friend, and it is usually orchestrated that way (you know, someone arrives and they just say or do the the right thing to kick you in the butt). He was a good friend for giving me that gift.
I remember the day it started; the day I decided I didn't want to live in a painful state. I sat next to my friend while eating Kung Poa Shrimp and - all of a sudden - an electric impulse and beam of light shot up from the very bottom of my spine up through to the very top and out of my head. And from that moment on, the rules of my life changed.
To make matters worse, in my state of energetic shock and transformation, I went home that night and opened up my heart to God and shook my fist and dared Him: "I dare You!", I said to God, "I *&$%# dare You to make me whole and wonderful - because I HAVE MY DOUBTS about the possibilities".
Six words of advice: never - shake - your - fist - at - God. No matter religion you observe. The swearing probably didn't help, either.
I do not know why it was all so dramatic for me. Most people get to fix things in their allotted 6 counseling sessions, and they can go on with their lives as if it was a small hiccup. But, that wasn't my fate. For some reason, the Universe wanted a big change, and once I jumped in, I couldn't climb back up the waterfall.
This blog will include reflection on the 7 year story of my healing experience, which I hope serves to encourage others to share their own. There is something about sharing stories that makes it easier for others, and that is what we are here to do for one another. When looking back, this was my greatest mistake: believing I was alone and remaining isolated. Maybe the truthful sharing would have made all the difference in the world. ?
I am grateful for my 'final arrival' place which, in all honestly, is just another start. And I look forward to being part of something special with you.
Skipping outward on the water like a perfectly thrown mark,
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